That is why the handle 'Advanced Security' was chosen.
How Athene differs from a regular Security Firm
The established norm within security is one of Admin - Control - Supervisor - Frontline.
The administration aspect seeks out new contracts and upon finding, evaluates a clients needs, then sells a package. The control deals with the running of several such contracts.
Supervisors tend to a number of guards, and frontline serves are the actual presence you see - the retail security guard, the gatehouse officer, the operative sat in the hut on the building site.
In theory this system delivers. In practice however, it carries a number of flaws.
Athene acknowledges the system is not perfect, identifies the problems, expands and delivers real practical solutions.
Consider for example changing circumstances - a contract put in place in early 2000, may have little relevance today. Technology changes and crime adapts to make use.
A service which delivers one specific solution, is usually not flexible enough to adapt to localised changing circumstances.
Then there are the issues of communication and cost.
Athene differs by offering flexible and tangible solutions, at the heart of the issue, and in such a way as to adapt to changing situations, even on a day-to-day basis.
What's in a name?
Athene, or 'Athena', is the Greek Goddess of Wisdom.
Amongst her other associate patronages are law and justice, war strategy, mathematics, strength, and courage. In essence she has the perfect philosophy to apply to a security service.
A security firm needs to think like its enemy, know their moves, their tactics, their strategies, their reasons for doing what they do, and their tricks and practices - how they do it, how they pull it off.
It needs to stay up to date and be relevant. It needs to identify local problems and pay attention to local trends and issues.
It needs to know its layout, its environment. Identify where the threats will come from, prepare, adapt, defend.
Athene does this. We live this. That is how we differ.
That is how we live up to the handle 'Advanced Security'.